Seeing a Reflection

Posted on 18 Mar 2019, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

Like the church of Corinth many Christians today covet having superior knowledge … but is this too lofty or the wrong goal to obtain? Is not our perceived “superior” knowledge of self, creation, and God a source of many of the fights amongst fellow Christians? These fights of course are foolish for how can “I” know with certainty that “MY” hours of meditation and referencing the very best commentaries has led to an interpretation that is not tainted by “MY” sin? And how does one know the truth one has “received from the Spirit” has been understood correctly or truly came from Him? Is it possible for anyone to search the unsearchable or know the unknowable? And even if one truly knows more about God than others, does this mean one has a right to fight or “disassociate” from them, especially considering that knowledge without love is useless (13:1-3)? This sermon is going to explore the answers to these questions and what Paul meant when he said that while we see as a reflection in a mirror, we will one day know fully when we see God face to face!