From the moment, God created humanity from the dust of the ground onwards we have been struggling to know and have a relationship with our Creator. You would think the ambassadors of Christ and royal priests that have been sealed by the Spirit of God would have little difficulty knowing, accepting and striving towards fulfilling God’s command to be holy. How I wish that was the case! Like Paul, we often gratify the evil desires of our sinful nature and thus miss the mark of holiness every single day. Sin leaves us distant from a holy God who refuses to be close to those spiritual babies who continue to covet their strongholds of sin. Since there is no sin that the blood of Christ cannot wash away then why are our attempts of confession and repentance seem to be nothing more than an exercise in futility? How can one repent and yet remain a wretched, blind beggar thirsty to know one’s own Creator?
The problem of course is not with God. To those who truly repent He always forgives and cleanses from all unrighteousness. If you draw near to God He will draw near to you. The reason why holiness and closeness to God remain beyond our reach is because we do not know how to repent in a God-fearing manner! This five-part sermon series will begin looking at the God’s command to repent and a discussion on how offensive sin to the character of a holy God. Next, the series will identify some of the myths of what repentance is not so that one can stop wasting one’s time repenting one’s own way. Third, the series will outline the need to embrace the right motives of repentance. Fourth, the series will outline a model of practical steps that will teach one how to repent God’s way. And lastly, this series will finish by outlining the fruits of repentance.