How does one come before the communion table in a worthy manner? Apostle Paul states the key to remembering rightly the Lord’s death until He returns starts with an examination of oneself. To approach He who is holy one must first confess the logs within one’s eyes, you know those compartments of one’s life that are still worldly! If only confession was merely an intellectual exercise of speaking the “right” words rather than by the grace of God turning away from sin, then this task would be quite easy. At minimum should not the Lord’s table be a passionate invite to have our Gardener Jesus come and pluck the weeds of sin while watering our plants of righteousness? Before this can happen, though we must deal with our biggest sin of all, indifference! Our passion and “conceptions of our Lord are so poor and low, that if He were to come to us in even a moderate degree of His glory, we should fail to apprehend His presence.” Before we come to the Lord’s table we must pray that God would make our hearts responsive to His kingdom and stir up such fiery passion in our souls that through His power we might break through our iniquities, the demons and powers of this dark world (Ephesians 6:12) and cry out Abba Father my soul will never stop longing for Your embrace, for You alone my heart’s desire and portion! As we draw nearer to our Lord we must refuse to leave His table and look back again at the “sepulchre of self or the world where one only finds things of death,” but instead with a childlike faith we are to honor the Lord by constantly listening to His often still, small voice and by inviting Him to never stop plowing furrows of righteousness in our hearts! To learn how important it is to approach the Lord’s table rightly we are going to examine the story of Mary Magdalene meeting Jesus at the tomb. In this remarkable event we are going to learn that the keys to taking the communion table in a worthy manner are turning away from a life of sin, praying for faith, seeking the master, hearing, and acknowledging His voice, and rejoicing for He is our Lord!