Whom amongst us does not know that we are one body of Christ, instructed to love, support and build each other up in the faith? And yet whom amongst us does not have one or several other Christians that have offended us? Looking back, their offenses did not start out heinous but by the time we were done “demonizing” these “perpetrators” our “flesh wounds” soon became firmly entrenched into our souls! The closer the relationship and the deeper the love we once had for the person, the deeper our current “indifference” or dare I say “hatred” we have towards that person. If only our love for ourselves and our pride was not so strong, maybe we could have respected and made room in our lives for the differences of others! Offense is a tool that Satan has been using since the beginning of time to destroy not only our relationships with each other but also our witness of “love” to this world. In this sermon I am going to review the book Bait of Satan by John Bevere and in doing so challenge each of you to go to the foot of the cross and with the forgiveness you have received offer it to all those “perpetrators” in your life!