Ever since God announced a curse upon this world it has been incredibly difficult to survive and thrive amongst the “thorns” of life. Living through the pain of violence, disease, starvation, neglect, discrimination, loosing loved ones and watching one’s body break down in old age one can’t help but cry out “Abba, Father please save me!” While one might think that this kind of prayer would always be answered with healing and comfortable living, God not only refuses to remove the curse until the appointed time but promises that those who participate in His death will suffer and be persecuted for righteousness sake (Philippians 3:10; John 15:18-25). Even though “creation glows with thousands of beauties” earth often seems like a penal colony in which its thorns and thistles can fracture the body and mind so severely that life at best appears to be meaningless and at worst torturous! While this world is no longer the one that “God pronounced very good,” Romans 8:18-27 states we as Christians can experience unspeakable joy while living on this earth when we allow our groaning to focus not on our current suffering but on the glory we are about to receive!