Since most Christians would wholeheartedly agree that their earthly goal is to be transformed into Christlikeness through strict obedience to His will, then why do so many choose to glorify the old self and obey the Prince of this world? I believe it is because we often forget spiritual battles are not against flesh and blood but against established strongholds of evil desires in our minds (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). Even though everyone born again has overcome the world and therefore has the power of the Spirit to obey God (1 John 5:3), this does not mean that the old self no longer has evil desires that flood our minds (James 1:14)! And while an evil thought entering a person’s mind in not necessarily a sin, entering a fantasy world that honors the ways of the Price of this world certain is … for as you think you will become (Proverbs 23:7)! To win the battlefield of the mind Paul says we must not merely let our thoughts happen but take each one of them captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5). And with these thoughts of holiness we are to live our lives walking in the steps of Christ!