Ever since Jesus uttered His infamous words, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” they have echoed the halls of humanity’s hearts, especially on Good Friday and Easter morning. As our sympathetic high priest hung upon the cursed tree, numbered with the transgressors and bearing our sins, one can’t help but wonder what were His final thoughts? While one cannot know with certainly all His thoughts during these dreadful hours, Christ’s direct quotation of Psalms 22 suggests that He was simultaneously crying out in anguish over God being silent and at the same time rejoicing that His atonement would provide the means of salvation for generations to come! While many scholars treat this Psalm as a Messianic prediction of the crucifixion, one must not forget that it was originally written by king David who at the time was either suffering at the hands of king Saul or his son Absalom. The following sermon is going to review how both Christ and David handled silence from God in the face of aguish so that we might learn how to remain steadfast in the faith and in all circumstances.