Light in the Tunnel

Posted on 09 Apr 2017, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

The tunnel was dark to symbolize the fact that we are all blinded by sin in our lives. Sin is defined as any thought, word or deed that goes against the will of God. From Adam we have inherited what is called a sinful nature. In other words when we are born our natural desire is to do wrong rather than right in the sight of God (Psalms 51:5). To those who are still unbelievers the god of this age, Satan, has blinded their minds so that they might not see the light of the Gospel message (2 Corinthians 4:4). There was a time when each and everyone of us could easily be accused of being “gossipers, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful (Romans 1:30). Even though we had access to the knowledge of God through the testimony of creation (Romans 1:20), Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16) and a cloud of great witnesses (Hebrews 12:1); we chose to allow our hearts to be hardened (Romans 1:21) and emotions defiled by wickedness. (Titus 1:15). There was a time, yes when the cross was mere foolishness for with reprobate minds (Romans 1:28) we were truly slaves to our sinful desires (Romans 6:20).

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