Life in the Vine

Posted on 20 Nov 2016, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

In the last of the “I am” sayings Jesus tells us that He is the true vine and we are the branches. Even though the Gardener, God, promises to prune us so that we might stay within the vine, He allows us to wander away from the vine to indulge our self-seeking desires. For those who choose to stay in the vine by following His commands they are promised to produce a crop of fruit that lasts for an eternity. For those who choose to leave the vine their effort to obtain fruits are meaningless because without the vine they have no life. They key to staying in the vine is by obeying the commands that God has given us. Christ’s love compels us to be obedient to He who purchased us at a price and compels us to love and support one another as we, His friends, serve in the Master’s kingdom.