Now that Christ has come and fulfilled the Law is there any value in knowing and/or obeying the 613 laws of the Old Testament (OT)? The Old Testament with its heavy emphasis on holiness and God’s wrath for breaking His laws led Marcion, a second century heretic, to conclude that the God of the OT not the same God of the NT and therefore the cannon of the Bible should only contain the portions of the New Testament that are free from any OT reference. While eliminating 613 laws to follow is very appealing is it ok to do so considering the OT laws are not evil but represent the “holy nature of God Himself” who does not change (Malachi 3:6)? What did Christ, who frequent quoted the OT, mean when He said He “did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it” and that teaching people to “set aside OT commands would lead to being called the least in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:17-18)? How does one then reconcile Jesus’ teaching with that of Mark 7:18-19 when He says all foods are clean which is an obvious contradiction of OT dietary laws? Just like in Apostle Paul’s day there is much confusion over what does being under the New Covenant mean for a born again believer! In the following sermon we are going to examine Galatians 3:23-29 to show that believers being no longer under the law (Romans 6:14; 7:4-6; Galatians 3:24-26) but under grace (Romans 6:14) means they have been freed to follow the spirit of God’s commands to be holy as outlined in both the OT and NT.