What is that one “BIG” gift that you hope to receive this Christmas? You know the over-the-top expensive item that consumes your thoughts and web browsing history! Maybe for you that is a new car, diamond ring, expensive vacation, jacuzzi or cottage by the river. And if this item happens to be on your “bucket list” then waiting for the “big day” to arrive for you has become excruciatingly painful! In the Christmas story we learn about a man named Simeon whom the Holy Spirit told would not die before having seen Jesus. God who last spoke through the prophet Malachi some 400 years ago was not only going to send the Messiah in his lifetime, but Simeon was going to hold Him in his arms! What if God sent you a text message that stated you would see Jesus on His birthday this Christmas? Would you be like Simeon and view this as best gift ever and place Jesus on your bucket list? The following sermon is going to review the song Simeon sung while holding Jesus in the hope that you might see His gifts of peace and salvation as so valuable that you will share His Good News with the world!