Ever feel that the resources, time and spiritual gifts that you have to offer are too insignificant to make a difference in God’s kingdom? If one cannot sing like an angel, preach and thousands become born again, pray and have the earth shake, have faith that moves the mightiest of mountains, command healing through the power of the Holy Spirit and have unspeakable love that has no limits and is inclusive of all; then why bother serving in God’s kingdom? Unfortunately, many Christians foolishly believe that the public results of service are far more important than the object of one’s service, pleasing God! While service that is seen by many is often deemed impressive, so are the acts done in secret of which no eye can see except our Father in heaven. While Apostle Andrew never preached to multitudes of people, never founded any churches, wrote any epistles or was mentioned in the book of Acts; his indiscrete service has been heard loud and clear for centuries! From Andrew’s testimony we learn that there are no insignificant gifts, no inconspicuous service and evangelism one on one is powerful and effective!