Comfort in Suffering

Why is light given to those in misery, and life to the bitter of soul, to those who long for death that does not come, who search for it more than for hidden treasure, who are filled with gladness and rejoice when they reach the grave? Job 3:20-22

Job asks a very important question that I think we all have asked in our life time: why does God allow us to go through times of great suffering? I recently had an aunt pass away who was dear to my heart. When I was a small boy my family used to go to her house every second Sunday to spend time with her family. My aunt was as strong as an ox! I remember my brothers and I taunting each other – which of us could wrestle her to the ground? Of course none of us dared to try! During the last 15 years I watch my aunt become weaker and weaker as the diabetes took a toll on her life. First, it was one leg and then the second one that they removed. At the end of her life her body was a shell of her former self.

I wonder: did she feel like Job? Did she ever wish death would come and that she would be swallowed up by the grave? As I sat at the funeral I intently listened to the pastor speak. He told us my aunt was courageous and that she uplifted everyone who spent time with her. Like Job, I wonder how many people she has and will help who are suffering. Job asked God a question of which Job was unable to understand the full answer. While Scripture states suffering can be a form of discipline by God, often as in the case of my aunt, it can be for the benefit of both oneself and other people. She benefited from suffering because she relied on God’s strength to persevere and as a result she matured in the faith. I also believe others have benefited from her faith as well. You see watching a person suffer immensely while being comforted by their Creator is a strong testimony to all of us. First, don’t sweat the small things but rejoice in the blessings that you have received. And second, God will always comfort those who need comforting! If you call on Him He is always near!

While my aunt was physically weak she was one of the most mature Christians that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. May she rest in peace while she dances with Jesus in heaven.


About the Author
Rev. Derek Geldart: "I am a Christian and I love God and all the people that God has blessed me to meet with all my heart, mind and soul. I have a Masters in theology at Acadia Divinity but am still learning more about God every day!"
  1. Kim Albert Reply

    I grew up in a family that had allot of sickness. Some self inflicted,some not.Understanding why the ones who didn’t seem to deserve the pain and suffering, made me angry at God. But as I grow in the faith, I realize we all suffer some in our visible body, some in our mental. It rains upon the just and the unjust. It is bringing to Lord the suffering, that makes all the difference.
    I think some days how my sister who suffers with constant pain does it. Her death bed experiences, her day to day struggles with diabetics, arthritis,depression. It amazing me she just doesn’t give up in the Lord. She is such a lite for others. I imagine shielding my eyes from her crown that Christ will present to her, his humble servant who continues to fight the good fight.

  2. Theresa Reply

    I have a huge family, there was a lot of illness and suffering was almost a daily occurrence. I just accepted it as a normal part of life. I didn’t like it but never questioned it and just kept positive and going. Until my grandson got so sick and spent so much time in hospitals. He suffered so much, it scared the nurses and they were all crying while he lay fighting for his life. He did not want to go and he had fought so hard for so long and won. I think he really believed he would win this time too, if only he fought harder. He was a real fighter in the true sense of the word. His motto, I’ll never give up.! He used to put the word of God in his shoe and say, “I’m walking on the word of God.” I was so angry at the whole world and even God for allowing this to happen. But now a few years later, I see how many people he touched and how his faith and unconditional love for everyone he met changed so many lives. Many stood on his small shoulders to get to where they are today. God’s ways are never our ways and I will never understand why, but I trust that God has a plan and I see that good came out of even such great suffering. Each time God heals someone, I wonder why we never got our miracle. It may always be hard going on without him, but I stand firm on the word of God, that someday we will all be together in heaven and rejoice with our Lord Jesus Christ, while he holds us in his loving arms.

  3. Judy Pellerin Reply

    Oh Theresa, I cried again with you as I read your note. In my brain I know what you’ve gone through but I know that I can never feel the loss, frustration and and hurt that you deal with. We can only have empathy for you and hug you when you need it. As you have said we can only Trust in Him to get through the trials that we experience in this world.

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