A Gift Worth Having

In heaven there will be no more sin! We can only imagine going a single day without having sinned. To stay focused on God and not on ourselves or life circumstances … O what a glorious day that will be when we get to go Home to see Jesus! Until He takes us to the mansion that He has prepared for us surely we can at least try and become more like Him … after His birthday is almost upon us! It is is easy to live our lives in view of our immediate circumstances but not so easy to live our lives in view of our future destination. If only we could take every circumstance of our lives and evaluate them in context of eternity, how radical would our thoughts and actions change. No longer would we just try and survive moment by moment but instead would see every second of the day as an opportunity to please God and in doing so store up eternal treasures in heaven. While we know the crowns of righteousness have immense value, the real reason why we want to do good deeds is to point to the glory of God the Father in heaven! O if only one person could see through our filthy rags of righteousness and see a glimpse of God, would not the angels sing the very moment when that person’s persons eyes, mind and heart are opened? Can there truly be any better gift to experiece at Christmas than salvation of oneself or of others?

Through grace and by faith to be invited to work hand in hand with our Savior is a blessing of immense worth! So I pray this Christmas that you obtain the peace of mind that surpasses all understanding that can only be found by doing His will moment by moment!

About the Author
Rev. Derek Geldart: "I am a Christian and I love God and all the people that God has blessed me to meet with all my heart, mind and soul. I have a Masters in theology at Acadia Divinity but am still learning more about God every day!"
  1. Philip Reply

    Amen Pastor Derek

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