Apostle Peter

Posted on 05 Mar 2018, Pastor: Rev. Derek Geldart

Do you feel like you are giving God your very best effort to serve in His kingdom? While there are many excuses to not serve in the body of Christ such as “I don’t feel needed,” “the staff are paid to be the ministers,” “I don’t have time,” “I fear commitment” or “its too difficult to get involved;” the number one thing that keeps most people from serving is the perception that their sin has disqualified them. While there are times when we desire nothing but God (Psalms 73:26) and are on the mountaintop feeling the inexpressible and glorious joy of being in His presence (1 Peter 1:8-9), there are other times when we bask in the evil desires of our hearts (James 1:14-15) and are in the valley with our souls imprisoned, starving and thirsty because we have cherished the unrighteous paths of life. Those who have spent time in the valleys of sin often feel like they are unworthy to serve because they continually break God’s command to be holy (1 Peter 1:16). While God certainly does not want us to cherish sin in our hearts (Palms 66:18), sinlessness is not a requirement to serve in the body of Christ. Today we are going to review how the leader of the disciples got his two names “Simon” and “Peter” to give us hope that like him we too can serve despite our sinful nature.